Thursday, August 5, 2010 new shirts preview #1

I know this seems like it's totally out of left field, but my sister and I started a website selling tie dyed stuff called "" and here's a video preview of some stuff that will be listed tomorrow.

It's all one of a kind, unique designs that we probably won't remember how we did it so you are safe in knowing there will never be another just like yours.

I'm hippy #1 in the video and my sister is hippy #2 who can't hold a camera and laugh at the same time.

She came over today (that's the back porch of my mom's house where I am living now) and we showed each other our new stuff and decided to run out back and shoot a video. Getting each product photo shot and prepared for the website takes time and we are like a couple of kids who can't wait for that stuff, so the Video Preview is something we will be doing regularly to show off what's coming soon.

I'll be making a blog for shortly and when I do I will put a link here for those who'd like to follow along. That way I can keep my fingo drug habit blog separate from my hippy tie dyeing adventures. :) I did just want to share with you guys first tho.