Normally I would be insulted if someone used that adjective in describing me. However, when used in radiological terminology, it's a good thing.
My ultrasound of my ovary came back as showing I have a simple cyst about the size of a marble on one of my ovaries and that everything is otherwise "unremarkable".
Woohoo!! Doc says simple cysts are almost always benign and that he's not worried about it. We will follow up in 3 months with another ultrasound.
Everything else is fine, too.
I can go back to being bored with a normal-feeling life again. The storm has passed and I survived the scare of an HSV outbreak, the uncertainty of combining Zovirax with my trial meds, the idea of my HPV "proliferating", and the shock of finding out my ovary is "lumpy". That was some week, I tell ya. I'm getting my money's worth with the hair dye since I'd be well past the "60%" gray that I was when the hair dying started, I'm sure.
All that and no MS attack. YET. Of course I wouldn't be the professional hypochondriac that I am if I didn't pay attention to every little whisper of numbness or weakness that my body gives off. That's why I nearly went into a panic last night about 10pm when I realized I couldn't feel my left foot.
Then it dawned on me that I'd been sitting at this computer for hours straight without ever getting up. I always have body parts falling asleep when I do that. I went to bed mildly freaking out and wondering if This Is It as far as my MS goes.
Then I woke up and WHAM! ... nothing. Everything checks out okay this morning.
We now resume our regularly scheduled lives. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers...see?? you DID it! I knew the power of the masses would snatch me up from the depths of ruin. That was a close one.